2007-01-13 // 01:55:46
What a hell...
Is the sky in Muenchen green?
Great pola!

Yes, and we have bug eyes, suckers and antenna. (You didn't know that? Where've you been living? On the moon?)

2006-12-11 // 14:24:11
nice! nice! nice !
Quite green, though.

2006-12-08 // 08:19:42
awesome shot!! (v+f)

2006-11-24 // 22:06:10
Poor Uri likes a bottle broken into many pieces more than an intact one, because there are too many intact bottles in his life already (or such would be my interpretation of his affinity towards crumply bits.) That's too bad for Uri, but sheesh, insinuating that I don't know what I'm talking about is a little rude, no? :-) Perhaps he and I should have an exchange about entropy some day. That might yield some interesting results.

And whereas I agree with there always being Alps, sunsets, and green filters, what about your undeniably mortal self and the apparently quite mortal Polaroid integral instant film? Not to mention your potential interest in combining those elements again (something I personally wouldn't do, as a matter of principle, because the infinite number of photographs I haven't attempted yet always wins over the very finite number of photographs I've already dabbled in.)

If you have any more dead horses to beat, give me a holler ;-)

2006-11-23 // 00:07:48
wooow..that's crasy looking..but great!
Thanks. It is kinda spacey.

2006-11-10 // 10:40:44
soleil vert

2006-10-31 // 10:08:21
die krümpfel-technik ist lustig. sieht aus, als hätte paul klee ein foto übermalt.
hat dir john zorn etwa auch gefallen? die musik hört sich in den heftigeren passagen etwa so an, wie sich dein polaroid gefühlt haben musste, als es zerkrümpfelt wurde.

Ja, die CD finde ich auch superinteressant. Danke!
Ich wollte Dich mal fragen, ob Du Lust hättest in die Unterfahrt zu gehen. Am 30. November kommt was verrücktes avantguardistisches. Am 18.11. wollte(n) ich/wir auch hin, weil ich den Musiker kenne. (Das dürfte melodischer sein.)

Kannst Dich kurzfristig melden, falls Du Lust hast.

Hier das Programm: »link

2006-10-31 // 04:09:13
V+F! do you love more now?
Yeah, I forgive myself for the crumpling now. I will get down off the crucifix and stop flaggelating myself.

2006-10-19 // 20:48:38
I forgot: PAH!

2006-10-19 // 20:48:26
Poor Ulf doesn't what he's talking about

2006-10-15 // 02:51:25
Esther - let me be an ass and agree with your crumpling-regrets. Your top-crumpling fucked up the darker ranges of what would have been a pretty unique green sky gradient. Schod! What color do you remember that sky to have been?

Shlomo - there are no lucky clover leaves in mojitos. Pay a little attention, will you?

the sky was very blue at the top, turning pinker around the bottom. I still regret the crumpling, but never mind. There will always be Alps, there will always be sunsets, there will always be green filters.

2006-10-14 // 12:41:09
great color ! did you use a filter on this one ?
Yes. A green one, strangely enough.

2006-10-14 // 04:23:10

This is so sci-fi! I love it! The stains make it perfect... don't regret having touched it at all. It's like green northern lights... so extraterrestial

I don't know. I think the lighter technique would have been better, but I didn't have one.

2006-10-13 // 23:06:12
Wow....nice color.!!!
Thank you. It's green, you know.

2006-10-13 // 15:29:23
was bitteschön ist glücksklee?

ich kenn mich mit sowas nicht aus, ich komm vom land

2006-10-13 // 14:54:21
Norah ... alles okay? ... ich sage dann mal Glücksklee!

2006-10-13 // 13:35:51
cool, sieht aus als hättest du das pola mit fettigen, emulsionbeschmutzten fingern angetatscht. erinnert mich an minze.

2006-10-13 // 12:41:28
marvellous green sunset

Yup. It's green alright. Well-observed.

2006-10-13 // 12:35:34
This photo says "green-green" to me!

Ah, then I have succeeded. This was indeed my artistic intent. I was far away from the cocktail bars or the city, and it was time for me to be getting home.

2006-10-13 // 11:13:54
Is this the original picture where Fox Mulder pasted an UFO in? I believe
It all began one night, on a lonely country road...

2006-10-13 // 10:04:17
trotzdem wundervoll ...
oder vielleicht deshalb?

Kann mich nicht entscheiden. Ich finde den Effekt zu grob, aber ohne wäre vieleicht langweilig. Aber vieleicht auch nicht.

2006-10-13 // 09:58:53
Wonderful picture !