2006-02-23 // 10:09:07
like this one!!

2006-02-18 // 15:29:12
çool thing!!!
Thanks Jens! :-)>

2006-02-17 // 06:53:13
this is so good... just gives me this feeling... something stirs inside me and makes me feel like... like... like, i want to create something... um, excuse me... gotta go! ;)
ROFL! Thanks for that, it's the first good belly laugh I've had all day!

2006-02-16 // 18:13:41
oooooh! hows the potty training coming along? (see seat for little butts to the left of the toilet)...i didn't think you had any kids that young (visitors?)
LOL...that's for me, I have an abnormally miniscule arse! Seriously, the youngest doesn't use it anymore, some of our friends/relatives have littlies that use it...

2006-02-16 // 17:27:03
"evacuation space"!!! that is fucking brilliant...

[and hey... I thought Flesh Gordan was the name of a porno!!!]

Thanks Kim, I'm glad you like the name!!
Flesh Gordon still is the name of a porno, it's just a "soft" funny one!

2006-02-16 // 16:53:50
I just can say: YES!!!
Thanks Urizen!

2006-02-16 // 15:05:11
You are so right... Nice picture, I prefer this one to the b&w, the colors add a lot.

Thanks louloublue, I do too...I took it in B&W first, thinking that would suit the subject matter more, but after looking at it, thought it needed a bit of warmth that colour could bring...