2006-11-23 // 09:47:03
Love how you tilted the camera. An amazing pola.
thank you...

wer're proud of this pola, so we're glad you love...

2006-11-22 // 22:15:12
The light in the very corner is great. I find it interesting that you shoot Blend at night instead of using 600 (which would be cheaper) - but yeah, you get longer exposures on the Blend, I suppose, and don't have to fiddle around with exposure compensation much at all. And I'm sure the colors picked up are very different (methinks Blend's color-balanced for natural spectrum daylight like Time Zero was.) Tripod?
No tripod, twisted body and camera on the front part of a car.

The filter of the blend film gives nice colours but 779 at night without filter on camera gives nice results too.

Here the color comes more from the street light than from the blend.

Thanks for the long comment, we love it.

2006-11-19 // 01:56:23
Wahuhuh !!