2007-04-25 // 03:06:10
ohhh 665! your lucky I like 665, well I like COATING 665 that is : ) yes I like coating, I'm crazy like that ; ) get's my vote
thank you ---viva la coating!

2006-05-23 // 10:06:31
IMPRESSIVE, I love this shot and its feel.

2006-03-13 // 05:58:50
This photo makes me very very happy. It combines so many elements that I enjoy - light dancing, shadows, old furniture/old buildings, and beautful accidents.

i left you a long reply in your guest book... thank you gina

2006-03-01 // 01:03:30
fave :-D
found in punk's fav-list :-D

i'll have to send him a box of cigars... tanks again lia.

2006-02-28 // 22:52:48
Yes! A wonderful out take/mistake. It's beautiful and mysterious.
thanks a bunch... see lia's comment.. i owe you!

2006-02-28 // 20:06:24
this is a beautiful mistake this is wonderful shot in black and white.. so beautiful! i love the double.. is it a double or is it against a window reflection? :D
it was indeed a gorgeous space... thank you for your extended comments

2006-02-27 // 20:04:11
Brilliant....this is no mistake...it's ace...
ace it will be considered from this point on. Thank you!!

2006-02-27 // 17:13:13
Wow...I love it.
What a nice table.
I always bid on Jugendstil and older Möbel on ebay...but when they go over 1000€ i freak out an lean back on my only original...my eames fiberglas chair (original H-Miller, white sky leather, Eifel-base)...

thank you...

2006-02-27 // 16:13:04
beautiful light!
thank you sir!!!