2006-02-28 // 23:14:08 anonymous Yes, freaky and great! It's like a hairless Alice in Wonderland reflecting on her future in a tiny world. The whole seies is fantastic!
Awesome as always, AP!
Thank you very much polanoider who doesn't seem to have a name at the moment! I appreciate the feedback. Is that you lexi?
2006-02-28 // 17:45:36 spitocco and i love FREAKY ideas!
Well, you gotta know I'm a FREAK! Thanks Tocco!
2006-02-28 // 17:03:50 bonnie my favorite of the series...magritte and BEYOND!
Awww, thanks Bonnie, that means a lot to me, seeing as this was not directly representative of any particular Magritte painting, but more an idea of mine (not that it's particularly original...but hey)
2006-02-28 // 15:48:43 KPS good idea and amazing picture.