2007-08-30 // 15:08:54 diannecooper I was going to be really lame and write an Idlewild song lyric but ... well I'm not. Ok? Good. I miss Idlewild...
Idlewild are amazing - I'm going to see them at the end of October! Woop.
2007-06-05 // 20:28:46 Stefano My god! My post was a teensy-bit overblown, wasn't it? Shoot. Well, playfully overblown, I hope. And you must only ever take 40% of what I say seriously. Thanks for the eloquent reply, polagem.
A lie is a made-up thing, but a made-up thing is not necessarily a lie.
Hehe, I sensed the playfullness I felt I must play along. A good banter should never be declined :o) Much love, Gem
2007-06-05 // 16:44:17 Stefano Nonsense, my friend. Poppycock. Piffle. Pure & unmitigated rubbish! And a very pleasant hello and good morning to you.
1. Please please *please* do not lump all of fiction together and then knock it over the head with a silly generalization.
2. The really ripping good pieces of fiction I have encountered—beginning in the nursery, mind you; *especially* beginning in the nursery—often cut far closer to the bone of reality than, well, just about anything else. This is hardly the ideal spot to launch a vigorous defense of storytelling. A bit tight on space, you see—rather like performing Swan Lake in a dressing-room.
But I wonder wonder wonder. Ancient oral storytellers were lying when they spun myths to rapt fire-side audiences? Jane Austen lied? Trollope lied? Dostoyevsky lied? Melville lied? Dorothy Sayers lied? The bunnies in Goodnight Moon are lying? Personally, I would rather wallow in deceit with the dirty, filthy & fantastically imaginative liars!
Now, I too must go and graze my herd of robotic miniature kung fu aardvarks. Robotic miniature kung fu aardvarks (RMK-FA) don't give a damn about Literature, Truth, Lies, Life, Death, Knowledge, God, the Universe, or Indoor Plumbing, but they do expect to be herded at the same time every day. I am sure Esther.Z.Schnickenacke would agree.
Respectfully submitted
& a lovely day to you,
Stefan Argyle Rugby
Woah. Steady.
I too am an avid fan of fiction, I worked in a bookshop for 5 of my years and proceeded to burst my bookshelves with rows and rows of fiction. Don't get me wrong, fiction can be so near the truth it's astonishing, but essentially a fiction writer (even though they may base it on reality) makes stuff up.
Imagination is a must, I'm fully aware. 'Fiction is lies' is a mere statement, and essentially I think you would have to agree. The dictionary quotes 'something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story'. OK the word 'lie' here may be strong, but if I was to write 'Fiction is made-up' I'm not sure it would have quite the same impact.
I apologise if I have offended you in some way, my art is my channel and you have a right to express your opinions likewise.
2007-05-14 // 09:35:34 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke Big ones. Little ones are generally motivated by fear. They are sad and human but ultimately unheroic. It's the big ones that show daring and panache.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and graze my herd of robotic miniature kung fu aardvarks.
I like the way you think. And aardvarks - amazing creatures!