2007-05-14 // 22:59:18 k_tenmiller sucking up will get you nowhere! ;)
OK, I just had to try :)
I'm happy anyway 'cause I received my goods.... ;)
2007-05-14 // 18:15:19 morganx99 me encanta cuando veo ese logo!!!
En el fondo somos todos unos adictos... :P
2007-05-14 // 17:56:13 Jose605 Dicen que una imagen vale más que mil palabras.... ;-)
2007-05-14 // 17:51:03 QundL i'm expecting one of these (that should have been sent prior to the DHL agreement) and I guess I could not post my own Pack'N'Deliver pix in time. Yours is a winner!
Thanks, it was plain improvisation out of pure joy of having received the package :)