2007-07-05 // 00:07:50 silvana "the incredible places....."
2007-06-12 // 11:56:33 dimitris See mass psychology.
Everybody knows about the crimes of the Nazis but I am not so sure if anyone knows the names (or makes any difference if he knew) of the soldiers, the torturers etc. The 18 year old german soldier who had executed my or yours grandfather maybe died later in a horrible way or maybe he is now a tender grandfather with 4 children and 12 grandchildren.
Here in Greece many of the German soldiers who were in the occupation army (and they made a lot of horrible things) came 20-30 years later as tourists and they were completely different persons.
And as Socrates had said: "Noone errs knowingly"
2007-06-12 // 11:14:39 dimitris Paranoia...
"I hate mankind but i love John, Tom, Maria..."
are you sure?
what makes them different to the "mankind" ... aren't they part of it?
2007-06-08 // 02:18:48 Urizen I always found this door hair-raisingly outrageousl. I like your tryptich, you somehow captured it very well
2007-06-07 // 23:08:52 joel yep right Shlomo i hope it won't melt for exactly the same reasons !
i'm so sick when i heard shmok that write books about that all this was kind of fiction or kind of conspiration (once again)!
But i mean in these times if i were there i pray for that melt to let people out ...
2007-06-07 // 21:57:50 joel the most cynical slogan in the world from far ...
That's strange with the film deterioration this entry door to hell seems to melt as wax ...
i hope it won't melt ...
it shall remain as rememberance ... to remember
2007-06-07 // 21:33:56 Esther.Z.Schnickenacke Alles was man hierzu sagen kann kommt einem oberflächlich vor. Aber ich habe gevotet. Ich war noch nie da. Hab einfach Angst davor.
Das schlimmste ... allerschlimmste ... ist das Krematorium ... es riecht immer noch nach "verbranntem" ...