2007-09-06 // 16:30:48 LEjovik i love wrinkled sheets on a bed. so full of life and love to me. let's never make a bed again!
2007-07-07 // 20:39:22 bluecitrusart so soft and beautiful..but i love all your work :)
2007-07-06 // 23:58:05 a_p_verity this is a really interesting dyptic... thought provoking...
glad you think so, and thanks for stopping by, its appreciated!
2007-06-21 // 08:16:01 callaveron oh meine liebe, das is toll...das licht *
2007-06-20 // 09:09:55 motel when i look on this picture i have to think about björk...don t know why, probably because of the mystic light which sich übers gesicht durch die tür presst...