2007-07-08 // 03:40:08
Superb. You have the eye. Shots like this convince me I'm going to find a nice Crown Graphic and shoot polas. Thanks. Dan
AH thats so good! they are a fun camera for sure and they can be found for really cheap considering what you get. The only thing that will be a bit expensive is the 4x5 film. at the moment I am shooting pack-film as I found a back on ebay for 40$ but I want to move up to 4x5 film. Also a bit less expensive is to get a polaroid 550 back thats takes 4x5 pack film.Polaroid doesnt make 4x5 pack film anymore(although you can find it on ebay sometimes) but fuji does make it. Anyway thanks for the kind words and all the best to you!

2007-07-06 // 21:33:51
agree. to all what was said concerning focus, grey, adams, being overlooked. this is one of the rare ones that really sufferfrom a white background.

(btw, you can use a mask slipping in front of the ground glass for 3x4 packs. I've been lucky to got one still in the cartonage of my back, but it's easy to make it yourself)

2007-07-06 // 16:19:19
beautiful feel to it....like a magical forest where ansel adams used to hang out..


that's kind of how I feel about it too!

2007-07-06 // 15:50:52
i like it, too.
great mood. great contrast between the dark foreground and the brighter background.

thank you. perhaps it was the time of day & it was after a rain storm but somehow it feels dreamy to me

2007-07-06 // 15:19:28
IÄm such a sucker for black and white , for trees, for playing with depth of field..wonderfully executed, the focus on the almost falling-out-of-the-picture foreground is tricky!
Yeah b&W was really my 1st love with photography. color is fun but when I shot b&w I look for diffrent aesthetics like line, shape, & repetition (not that I dont look for that with color shots too!). its a bit tricky with a packfilm back on a 4x5 too, as you dont get the whole shot you see on the ground glass