2007-10-01 // 15:14:25 ciarco79 I find it funny that you had the same idea / pics / title :)
even having the real pic on the right and the weird one on the left...
it's something magic, isn't it?
yes i know the fact that they are positioned the same is strange... definately magic :)
ta :)
2007-10-01 // 12:03:49 CDR that link from Qundl is tooo weird. i think you should be kicked out the class for plagiarism. ;)
It does look too freakily close doesn't it... strange to think that we were on the same wavelength months apart! I mean the title and everything... Weird indeed!
2007-09-28 // 20:42:45 QundL may i show you this?
that is too strange! honest I didn't see yours at all... I just thought the first one looked like clouds, and the well the second was of clouds... lol. we must be on the same wave length, no? :)