2008-01-12 // 05:57:41 moss truly an amazing piece
Thank you again moss! Its such a pleasant surprise to log in to kind comments like this.
2007-12-02 // 15:19:55 desao Another one that i was sure id v+f for, bur again, i hadnt!!! I love this shot, just looks like a beautiful and secluded spot, but i also dig the SX-70 treatment.
2007-11-06 // 11:00:13 McKenzie great job! i like it
Thank you, it's nice of you to comment! This is a fav of my own (if I may say so), which makes me very glad that I had some SX-70 at hand at the time!
2007-10-23 // 18:42:38 automatik this is quite beautiful. would love to see this for real, but glad you got there
vn f
Thank you Grant! It's in the middle of the forest, on the side of a small road. We end up stopping every time we pass!
2007-10-16 // 13:19:48 manwinmodesty det här börjar nästan bli min favorit plats med...fast jag inte varit där...snyggt!!
Min favo också! Finns i skogen mellan Norberg och Hedemora (tips tips!)- jag vill stanna varje gång vi åker förbi.
Fint att du är tillbaka förresten... hade precis tänkt skicka ett gästboksmeddelande för att fråga vart du tagit vägen.