2008-01-14 // 09:48:54
Geraldino, you have a strong theatrical potencial. no doubts.
my first impression was that you look like a coalminer - the hat, ciagarette and the right hand that looks a bit dirty, the dark underground setting and the camera that could also work as a kind of technical equipment. plus there're about 200 coalminers on sit-down strike in Poland at the moment. they sit under the ground and refuse to leave the coal mine until they get more money.

maybe. I got asked sometimes. but the thing is, one could only take me as I am. could be a hard job if you're used to deal with people who just do what you want. So I guess my place is in the underground, fighting. first with flowers, then with revealing the naked truth and if that won't help it, with a holy punch on the nose!

2008-01-13 // 17:11:00

ajajaja -ganz ganz grosses kino!
die kombination aus dieser albernen projektidee mit klassischer expired-sx70 polaroid meisterkunst auf den g punkt gebracht,
ganz gross!
was bin ich froh grosse und ehrliche kunst hier hier zu sehn nach all den schmerzhaften ValleyForgschen, graustichigen amateurbildern
ganz gross!

haha, 'auf den g punkt gebracht'. schmunzel.
(und auch a bisserl stolz nu)

2008-01-13 // 10:57:55
great! real g. finally revealed!
i have to think about that.

2008-01-13 // 04:05:25
oh really. i didn't spell check it - so i had to have a guess ;-)

that jacket is also nice, i'm sorry i neglected to mention that!

you do look ever so like an Argentine i know called Pepe in this, so i guess Stefan is right. Which revolution were you starting?

I guess I should say now the analogue. but I'm a realist. so I really would like more to the say the one for a better world.
but forget what i just have said. it's a secret. if it's the pepe i think it is (that time in, ah, I even can't tell you that), ask him. i trust him, and if he trusts you, he'll tell you. but then you're in.

2008-01-12 // 23:31:10
waw this is good in the project but as a portrait it's so so good as well...
well done.

merci! maybe I should have taken a picture of the set-up: camera on the shelf, start the selftimer, quickly remeasure the distance, looking into the dvd (used as a mirror and fixed behind the flashbar), getting a bit into the knees to get into the frame, positioning camera, inhale, wait, relax -

btw, that's the bad side about the project: I nearly don't look into the regular section (though also just travelled and am repositioning here - but the project is just too much fun and I can need some) - so just had a glimpse at your latest work - but kudos, sir, kudos!

2008-01-12 // 17:21:54
yeah. burn, error, burn! :D
or "nice" as CDR would say... :D


(would have loved to get more of the smoke, but I'm happy enough the developer did spread over the cigarette at least :)

2008-01-12 // 15:48:34
nice camera, nice hat, nice cigarette, nice beard, nice film. and tomorrow i will learn a new adjective. like superkallifragalisticexpia lidocious
one l.and fragi.
but you are close.

cheers and thx!

(I also like my wollen jacket. and some like my lips and my blue eyes. but, ok.)

2008-01-12 // 15:41:37

Oh my god. Fantastic! A real revolutionary. Did you take this in some rotting Central American jungle two decades ago?

Please, sir, be careful with that additive-free cigarette. You are going to burn down the whole project!

{ and I like your digital "scanning" camera… the one you are holding in your left hand, no? }

this french masterpiece is full of metal, analogue and hard enough to use it also as - well, I promised not to talk about my past.

2008-01-12 // 15:37:53
nice camera, nasty cigarette :)))))))) cheers VF

(just one day really should get a damned accu for this beauty. still have nice russian film from the eighties. since then, ahem)