2008-03-14 // 15:18:23 uncleslappy38 god, this is so god.
2008-01-30 // 22:46:39 CHRISTINA thaaanks! molis to dokimasa kai to apotelesma einai fobero! anupomonw na scanarw!
2008-01-30 // 18:59:26 CHRISTINA polu entupwsiaka xrwmata! na rwthsw pws to ekanes?
Einai cartridge manipulation.
Dld, peirazeis to film prin to valeis sth mhxanh. Dokimase na valeis diafaneis zelatines, h otidhpote filtrarei to fws panw apo to film. Mporeis na to syndiaseis kai me diplh ekthesh. Thelei ligo psaksimo alla exei poly endiaferon.
Rikse mia matia stis antistoixes photos sto polanoid. Authn thn texnikh thn protoeida se fotos ths Carmen.
2008-01-15 // 11:19:36 Urizen Fantastic! It's hard for me to understand the picture, but this just makes it more interesting. Abstractly beautiful, rationally intringuing. Voted!