2008-01-22 // 21:17:47


(I think it's about time again ; )

2008-01-21 // 23:40:03
mona (doesn't know):
you know, what parents don't tell...

(trick: I don't know what you mean now, haha. I meant the private marking)

i don't even know her parents. she was adopted. and then, when our little 'family' broke off, she and Lomo stayed with me.

oh, the private marking, ok. i do it sometimes with project pictures. i thought you were relating to what WM said about my peeking eye (because you're also peeking out between the boxing gloves).

2008-01-20 // 15:47:27
(and a favlink to my harddrive, because you made the same trick than me ;-)
a peeking eye you mean?

2008-01-19 // 22:11:56
ui, the real scan is just pure lovely. I second wm's observations, so true. (hihi, I also like her t-shirt a lot).
so, hopefully, soon, february - and kanarin meets mona :-)

(btw, there's a relative of mona living here :)

it's more a jumper than t-shirt but it is lovely, indeed.

what relative? she knows nothing about that :o)

2008-01-19 // 07:27:50

: )) me too!

great one - love the composition with the prominent position of the hands, and your eye peeking out between the two wood and plush faces.

let's make a deal - i'll try to react every time the project gets stuck and let it move on... :o)

and i'm happy ypu like the picture. a plush face, she'd love that :o)

2008-01-17 // 19:21:31

yeah, happy to see the project moved on...