2009-10-24 // 14:56:28
derrière l'oeil des Bechers??

2008-01-28 // 17:28:18

I like this, mister—joel. Yes, and I think you should send this picture to the Belgian ministry of tourism, or whatever it’s called.

"Fly to Beige Belgium!" Streamline Art Deco typeface. I for one would buy the poster. In a beige second.

Oh, and I think there is now one more component to our "Guaranteed Shot of the Day" formula:

A — Dramatically tumbling sky.
B — Dramatically tumbling tits.
C — Beige.


Hello mister Stefan ;-)
Thank you for your nice comment .
You're maybe aware of the political problems in belgium ... close to separatism , or maybe absurde civil war .
My idea is to write the Albert the second ( king of belgian ) to gave him the idea of new country and abolish Belgium , to create Beigium ...
The flag of this country will be a monochrome beige square with a pink dot ( a 1cm2 dot on a 1m2 square)right in the middle
Why beige ? because beige is THE color.
Beige Horta , beige skies , beige cars , beige suits , beige houses and even beige Rubens and sometimes beige face with austrian style moka cake

Why pink dot ? because beigian are beige on the outside but pink in the inside...

Here in be(i)lgium no need to sing "i want to paint it beige " it's already done ...


"Dramatically tumbling beige "

2008-01-25 // 20:43:43
one thing's for sure :
YOUR beige is excellent

thanks :-)

2008-01-25 // 20:23:12
good to discover new pics from you.
But I think 600 is made for green rather than beige

thanks for your kind comment Zve :-)
You're right for the 600 green panorama ... but don't forget the deep beige !