2008-02-21 // 21:30:15

I admit that I'm too stupid to understand what's going on here.
that's zvevi on the pic from 1981?
and now he underwent sex-reversal?
but who are you then?
dont understand it at all
but loooove it anyway!

ps: please tell zvevi he looks so much more pretty now!

I'm just a creature grow up in 80's commercial.
I'm the product of Zvevi's work.
The real subject in the shot is the pink pony. Cheers :)

2008-02-20 // 04:24:32

You two would have been cute together.
In my opinion.
You might have met in the park. Walking your ponies.


2008-02-18 // 08:41:19
love it :)

grazie, č stato molto divertente. figurati che il pony me l'ha dovuto spedire mia madre con posta prioritaria dato che non viviamo nella stessa cittā. valle tu a spiegare come mai ne avevo bisogno... ah ah ah

2008-02-18 // 02:16:57
It's amazing how you got to put exactly the same expression...
I think I stayed hours watching Zvevi's shot, trying to simulate that expression. Now I have a facial palsy and the pony is growing on my shoulder

2008-02-17 // 09:54:11

2008-02-16 // 17:56:48
I love the idea of this common upload.
thanks, sarita

really loved this idea too! It was so funny... even the choice of the right shirt. Thanks to you Zvevi