2008-06-28 // 20:26:54 OJBriggs I was wondering if you could email me this photo in Hi res with the explanation and personal info for Future publications...
Zink Master
Ok, Sir. Iīmīon it.
2008-06-11 // 13:39:49 OJBriggs sweet... i like it alot!!! Please document it more... its brilliant! Try to find out exactly where this color comes from. The alcohol with heat? you know best!
No heat with alcohol... pure alcohol or a mix of alcohol and lemon juice/vinegar at room temperature
2008-06-10 // 20:25:42 OJBriggs The red you have produced is really bright. Can you explain how you emerged this color some more?
Good morning, Mr. Briggs. I donītīknow exactly how the warm and cold temperatures can affect the paper, but after cleaning the lemon drops, with water (mid temperature), i could use some drops of alcohol (96š)... The brighter color is where the alcohol mixes with the acid of the lemon... Then, i put it on the fridge, and then, hair dryer... I will try to do it again, but with more attention...