2006-06-29 // 21:08:42
I love this. That is all.
thank youuuu!!!!!! :-D

2006-06-25 // 19:12:45
very nice, soft and subtle. like david siad, there is a charcoal effect almost. or like graphite. or like when you were young and would make tree bark rubbings and stone rubbings through paper.
it has a charm and wistfulness that i like.

Thanks so much dear and I deeply apologize for the late reply, stress is keeping me from this site, and tiny heartissues and lack of film...and filming :-)

2006-06-19 // 17:30:29
in der margarethenstr...? ""wegen..weis nimma war betrunken!!!;)
lol kind is nich gesund!!

ja margaretenstr. 52 linke seite richtung karlsplatz.

2006-06-15 // 23:02:52
und?...in welchem "cafe" is the tiny "exhibition"?
Aromat. Komm gerad von der Eröffnung.
why did you put "exhibition" in "" ?

2006-06-15 // 19:04:23
des schau ich mir in ner stunde mal genauer an ;)

2006-06-14 // 17:33:06
makes me turbulent - can´t find out if this picture is vanishing or developing. it seems to change, but I know only my reception is changing.

2006-06-14 // 16:17:44
i see nothing *g*

2006-06-14 // 13:56:36
at first you can hardly see what it is, but slowly you can see the patterns emurging until it makes sense. It reminds me of a polaroid developing :) interesting.

2006-06-14 // 10:55:31
i think this is my favourite of all your images. It has an almost jasper johns ink on plastic / meets expressionist charcoal feeling about it.
[What am i on about??? :-)]
anyway it is simply gorgeous
have never been lucky enough to get my hand on any b&w 600 :-(

2006-06-14 // 10:45:30
there's something so beautiful about this... i can't even tell what it is... it changes as i look at it... just great, as always...