2005-10-19 // 16:30:11
arp, i love this quartet! does this mannequin live wih you too?? and how many mannequins do you have!? and why??


Thank you, dear curiousB ~ I shall answer your Q in your guestbook!

2005-10-17 // 14:39:49
very nice work
Thanks Filippo!

2005-10-17 // 11:11:00
thats really close! nice combination you came up with
great impression of your own supermodel...

Thanks dash...yes, Ezmirelda (that's our supermodel's name) has been with the family for a long time...she never complains or has any prima-donna tantrums!

2005-10-17 // 11:04:08
what a treatment, AP!
well done!!!

Thanks S! It's feedback from my fellow Polanoiders like you that make me want to keep testing out my polaroid cameras.