2009-10-21 // 17:55:49 orezemit Seems you mistimed the selftimer a bit. One last drag before the exposure? And I agree... 100% brilliant. The project. And you.
2009-09-14 // 17:20:30 aelstn ha! you actually did it! :-) great thing, I enjoy this picture a lot and the tree is really beautiful. hope it was fun!
2009-09-14 // 17:17:49 wish yeah, we all like that kind of brilliant crap.
2009-09-14 // 09:54:51 emilie79 hehe :)) 100% crapilliant!
2009-09-13 // 13:48:32 SparklyShoes it was the tree, they're magic you know...
2009-09-12 // 23:14:13 g. i know a tree in the mountains of corsica like this. we should bring them together. how? brilliant, yes. i just still cannot decide if you appear more like a giant, or a dwarf. funny cameras, the polaroids are.