2009-11-05 // 23:32:42
gahh the effect is awesome.
nice submission man, ive also to submit one..

fanks polaland, look foward to seeing yours...

2009-10-15 // 21:43:56
this is amazing!
thank you!

2009-10-11 // 18:55:57

what's the monty reference?

please let it be a withnail and i reference.

else, explain!

ps// i hope this wins.

montys the name of the camera I made, I'm not one for naming inanimate objects, but with all the hours of making the beast It felt right...
alas, it's not a withnail reference, though it could well be, as it's a fav film, no, it's named after Mr Montague Small, a character in the Iris Murdoch book I was reading at the time...

congratulations on that fantastic sotd, great set, must get down to your neck of the woods soon, it's been too long, cheers and happy mushrooming, steve.

2009-10-01 // 08:29:08
champion work sir... a winner in my book for sure!

2009-09-28 // 18:05:05
Hey I seen that! The naughty chair for the both of yous dammit. :{}

2009-09-28 // 00:48:24
Thanks for the meter recommendation - i'll look out for one of those! Is there anywhere in particular they tend to turn up?
Anywhere really, car boots etc... ebay of course, always go for one tested and working, all the weston meters are good, I like the master II cos it slips in the back pocket so well, I think it was Ansel Adams favorite meter too...

and another thing, alot of them were made in essex! that makes them top banana in my book;)

2009-09-27 // 11:10:23

great one!
love the road perspective
but where's the tit?
and what are you holding in the otha hand?

Cheers webbo!! ah you continental types, always looking for the breasticals (I've seen you learing at esmrelda)...I'm holding my old trusty weston master II, alas, not a breastical.

2009-09-23 // 18:50:09
The Young Man and the Sea...
thank so much! especially for the use of the word young:)

2009-09-23 // 10:54:34
So cool!
thanks gent! I hope your getting on well with your 195, I recommend the meter I'm holding, a weston master II, I've used a fair few and it's the bestest! you can pick them up for peanuts....

2009-09-22 // 23:30:41
you've out-solarized me, y'bastard...!! it's great, though.
Ha!! it was your submission that inspired me to go out and take the shot! cheers mr eye...!

2009-09-22 // 23:09:00
love the road leading to the sea.........
you!!I'm a bit obsessed with that causeway, I think I like roads to nowhere...

2009-09-22 // 20:59:47
oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!! I want to see your submission miss!

2009-09-22 // 18:36:48
You gotta love that 667 solarization bit. Especially when it leaves skin, etc., intact. You got my vote for a winning shot. Very charcoally....is that a word?? Haha.
Thanks esmarelda! the first shot solarized just the pupils of my eyes! most odd, I love the randomness of 667 goop too, charcoally somes it up perfectly...

2009-09-22 // 15:34:40
Cheers BastianK!!

2009-09-22 // 14:43:00
I like it a lot, well done !!
thank you!