2010-01-17 // 16:37:24 anniebee what's on your head??? and are you wearing a cape? I know you're a superhero so I guess it makes sense ;)
It's a special icelandic hood to protect me from andi throwing things at me all day. and from marlene's icelandic spells she casts on people in the office.
assaulted from all sides, as you can see!
2010-01-15 // 01:25:26 g. are you wearing a helmet?
is it that bad?
mei. der lexi soll nich so garstig zu dir sein.
2010-01-14 // 18:43:01 zveliakine you look like a middleage soldier...
but after all, polaroid is the middle age of photography.
2010-01-14 // 15:35:50 Madame_Krampa help ! How did you grow that Michael Schumacher chin in those few hours ???
the latella (see front) combined with wine (also see front) make for perfect growing conditions...