2010-04-04 // 11:42:25
pretty good answer.
and pretty much what i miss to be pointed out in the pr.*
but that's a pretty personal opinion ;)

(* or? where is the long awaited video, btw.? in case it may appear that nobody's really waiting for it anymore.. i do. waiting for some little balsam for my poor polasoul)

2010-04-02 // 00:13:55
just a question.

is the new px film really that good? i appreciate good work and all the efforts behind "impossible".

however - a good film should be a good film - and i´m not convinced yet that this product is up to the hitherto unsurpassed polaroid standards of the ´old times´.

pr and marketing of the austrian gang are very good - that´s fact.
give me an idea.



the film is what it is.
it's neither good not bad.
it's as good as it did get from what was possible in that time, with the material available today.

it is definitely not a mass market product yet, and if you compare it to the "old times" Polaroid films, you will certainly be disappointed.
I think it make more sense to see it as work in progress, that's why this first version is called "first flush".
I think it makes more sense to ask "is it good that this effort ensures that film for Polaroid cameras is available again now - and will continue to be available in the future?" than asking "is the new film really that good?"

just my answer