2010-09-17 // 16:56:38
Bountiful seems like such a beautiful place to spend time. I'm sure it (time that is) flutters by.

I do like what The GA said in the previous comment - *sigh*... This set does evoke that reaction. Thank you.

(and thank you for being so nice - i deserved less but am happy to receive more)

- more later -

...(i've got a "parents weekend" looming at university. my oldest (lauren) is all grown up now and i get to see her again tomorrow. i doubt that she's as excited as i am - another *sigh*)

(study hard Dear.Lady)


2010-08-18 // 12:34:17

these are so beautiful!


oh, i'm glad you like them! i was fascinated by the yellow one at the bottom, whose right wing was curled at the edge- i imagine it got tired of the whole chrysalis thing and just wanted to start flying already.

2010-08-07 // 14:39:46
delicate, poetic, beautiful
so glad to see some new photographs from you.
and congrats for your likewise wonderful sotd.


thank you peter-
and congratulations again to you!!

2010-08-07 // 05:11:59

thanks so much again!!

2010-08-07 // 00:02:29
oh, that old thing, that's okay.

tell me all the news sometime.


i will, for sure, tell you mine if you tell me yours.

2010-08-06 // 20:49:23
... in your stomach?

(nice soft summer colours dear. And how tricky such captures must be!)


hellooooo cecile!
yes- i was completely obsessed when i was there- the butterfly bushes and phlox shook with all the butterflies- it was maddeningly beautiful!

you were in cassis for vacation? such beautiful blues...

2010-08-06 // 18:55:55

drive-by butterfly~
i have to thank you again for the sx filter,
though it's obvious that i didn't attach it according to your specifications...!