2007-03-01 // 03:34:44

2007-01-26 // 11:10:36
love the rays coming over the clouds. nice piccy

2007-01-13 // 01:53:01
What a light...
It was quite a drive. The sky kept changing every few minutes.

2006-12-12 // 03:22:50
Roadtrip! This one is my favorite of... simply because the approaching clouds are so amazing. You're making me really want to go out driving across the country with these.
You could take an orangutang with you for company. Or let him drive, while you take pictures. That could be fun.

2006-12-12 // 03:20:37
This series is AWESOME, Esther. Love it conceptual and visually. Never saw shots from a car window so well done
Thank you, small forest-dwelling crocheted creature with eyes.

2006-12-12 // 01:16:14
ich glaube ich mag dieses hier am liebsten. die lichtkontur der wolken ist einfach so sheyn.
Es war eine so schöne Fahrt. Die Wolken waren so dicht und grau am Boden. Am liebsten hätte ich das gehäkelt, aber ich hatte keine Wolle in den richtigen Farben, also habe ich ein Bild gemacht.

2006-12-11 // 23:30:31
All of your passenger photos are beautiful.
I like a lot this one. So strange.
Does the blend film provide this cyan/blue like the original sx film?
I am curious as a bird... location?

Location: driving back to Munich from Vienna. Cyan: little help from a light blue filter. Sky: God.