2007-10-29 // 14:47:54
i love the distance between you and them.
nice comment.... i like it

2007-07-25 // 23:49:51
wowwww!!! c'est onirique!! j'adooore!! vote and fav
ah ah, chere amélie, vous êtes en train de parcourir mes images... Bravo, excelllllllente initiative ! et n'oubliez pas de voter à chaque fois que votre bouche exprime un "oooh" admiratif, ou un "héhé" amusé... un jour, quand je serai grand, moi aussi je veux être SOTD ! ;-)

2007-05-20 // 16:57:46
I saw this photo when you first posted it and I just loved it! At the time I was on mushrooms and couldnt come up with the words to describe how beautiful I thought it was. now I am sober and still nothing I could say could do it justice. very nice shot indeed!
well... thanks !
stay sober ! makes you say nice things to people ! :-)

2007-04-17 // 18:00:12
Such a beautiful photo!!
the depth... and focus.. and colours..
screams Spring time!!

looking at this first succesful pola out of my old fashioned Colorpack, i was just happy that it was correctly exposed.
It makes me very happy now that people seem to find something of their own in that pic that shows only things and human beings I care deeply for.
Thanks a lot

2007-04-16 // 13:06:09
Because of my lack of sodium sulfite I usually wash the negs in medium hot water (not to hot). With the 664 you see the developer-goo slowly dissapear, but with the colorfilms it's a bit trickier. My biggest problem is where to store them when shooting outside and far away from home.. still haven't figured that one out.

Also what a wonderful pola. I especially like the right tree that seems to be in motion. Voted!

thanks to you for such wonderful comments !
i'll try to deserve it in the future !

2007-04-16 // 12:07:58
I never use 88 film, when i try is already gone.I know, and probably you too, that in 664 you use Sodium Sulfite, but in color negatives , sorry i don´t know.

2007-04-16 // 11:46:31
The texture is amazing, it looks more like an oil painting than a photograph. Impressive shot, was worth the pain!
**** blush***

2007-04-16 // 11:13:58
I like the image, Greens, Whites, seems something came from heaven.
The line of the pathway,that made your eyes travel trough the image, The first shrubbery on the right, and the line at the end of the path after your " Wife and Daughter / Son " sorry if i´m mistake, and my English mistakes :-) that made a different curve, looks like a wave on the garden.
And you right Polaroid is a sport, snap, Pull, develop, manipulate,run to the lab to wash the negative, all this in just one brand.

thanks a lot for that extensive and attentive comment ! i'm not sure this pic deserve that much, but as someone says : "the beauty is in the eyes of the one who's looking"

to be more technical, as a newbie with film 88,i was wondering what to do with the negative. So I have to wash it ? is it too late now ? Have you any tip about that ?

2007-04-16 // 09:41:53
I think all the efforts made to have a good pic make each pola unique.

2007-04-16 // 09:22:10
Awesome shot with your Colorpack ! It's not easy to be in focus at the beginning but you managed it well. Have fun with it !
it took me half a cartridge to get this one !... and the cartridge messed up, so I had to open it in the dark and manually put the pola back under the developing roll... what a thrill !
pola is a very expensive sport !