2007-04-06 // 18:51:40
Brilliant. This pic would make even Ansel Adams proud.
Thank you, very kind words, just one of those times when the light was just so right:) Cheers Paul

2007-01-14 // 18:10:57
Wow! very Wow!
Love it! You're right what a great light!
Awesome trees!!
lovely B/W
V/F !!

Thanks again, just getting used to the 600 SE. It seems to be a nice camera - shame I pulled the film out at a light angle and hence the ripple effect on the picture (:

2007-01-14 // 05:44:16
It is beautiful. ...Twin trees in the air like a stream.
Thank you! The light was very strange when I took the picture at the back of my garden, yes they do look like rivers in the sky:)