2007-04-04 // 17:57:44
I Lke it, but witout the picture on the floor the sense off abstract it would be much better.
Apart from that, i read the coments where, and i donīt think this image ofensive in any way, it belongs where.

thank you

2007-02-22 // 19:44:02
Hugh Whitaker
The exposed line is quite a grey area, but I think this belongs here,
Great composition

Merci, Grazi, Danke, Denada.



2007-02-22 // 16:59:31
and you know...you are probably right about breasts...i don't know....

2007-02-22 // 16:58:42
okokok. personally don't mind...but the WM has been going koookooo trying keep this a kid friendly area (he has 3 bambinos on the site ;-)
let the man speak for himself....check my guestbook....

2007-02-22 // 16:47:17
how many people believe this should go in exposed?

2007-02-22 // 16:23:44
you're gonna give the webmeister a(nother) nervous breakdown ;-)) privitize this one...it DOES look good in xposed. (WM if i don't understand how you want xpo pics privitized in public and public in xposed...pleas chime in here).
i didn't think breasts counted. there's tons of boobs in the regular section. this isn't sexual or gratuitous. you really think it should be privatized? i don't mind, but i didn't really think it was solely that kind of material.

2007-02-22 // 16:22:09
come closer....