2008-09-09 // 16:36:15
i admire your art and talent very much. i only wish that i could read all of your seemingly beautiful words in french. but even just the handwriting is beautiful so, to me, whatever it says doesn't affect me. :)
héhé....even if you could read french...you'll don't understand it....most of the time nobody can read it...even me !!!
thank you for having a look...and for this nice comment miss !!

2008-05-28 // 21:24:14
this is awesome too!
hahaha...je colle redecolle ecrit griffonne cire mouille en ai marre scanne et uploade !
merci encore émilie !
tu es remonté bien loin pour le trouver celui là !!

2008-05-16 // 02:11:19
beautiful work!!

thx vertigo !