2010-05-03 // 20:28:22
I had never seen this image, now I'm happy to see it, I like the image, and the worlds you wrote, I understand them very well. I wish you beautiful dreams to realize at woke up
Thank you so much! This was a photograph that meant so much to me and came from my heart. It's nice to know that you understand it.

2009-12-13 // 20:13:00

great pic

(and pretty impressive text)

Thanks so much!

2009-12-06 // 17:23:41
so good.
is it bad i already feel like this at 24?

lol! you might want to do sosmething about that. thanks :)

2009-12-04 // 23:28:04
That’s funny because it’s not funny and that’s happened to me. It’s kinda hard to keep on dreaming when life happens and it seals little pieces of your soul as it passes you by. The parts that end up remaining are these parts that you have to tape, staple, and superglue together in order to function. It ends up being like a Frankenstein soul, everything’s there but it’s missing something that makes it human.
I guess it happens to most of us, at least some of us recognize it before its too late.

2009-12-04 // 22:48:47
recognize the story so well... but it´s great when something like this is what comes out of it. keep on hoping and dreaming, and wish that something like this will come out in another twenty years... and another twenty.
yes, this year was actually an awakening for me...thank you.

2009-11-30 // 02:43:05

V+F : )

thanks so much!

2009-11-09 // 00:24:28
lol.....oh I am so not.....lol

2009-11-08 // 03:14:13
you...my lovely friend...are amazing!
Thank you! You are the perfect friend.