2010-01-23 // 00:25:43
too late.
I was having diner with him tonight, I asked him, and he is ok. Jack Nicholson is ok to play the yellow helmet scenes. Great cast !

2010-01-23 // 00:07:32
for lips close-ups, I think I will ask Sylvester Stallone...

that look was intentional, not natural.

ps/ no wonder you're the director - you notice ALL the details.

2010-01-22 // 01:57:33
priceless, indeed ! I think I'll cast Adrian brody to play your part when I'll do "the life and times of Orezemit" movie.
good call Zvevi. i see the resemblance in this much younger me. i'm sure he'll do a better job of portraying me than i could. save a spot for me as a grip though. ;-)

2009-02-11 // 15:29:38

Specific question #1:
Were you a construction worker?
Specific question #2:
If your vocation required such a helmet, did you often get hurt, wearing boxers on the job site?

Specific answer #1:
Yes, but not at that time. During this time period I was an employee of a well know International Business Machine corporation. I worked the evening shift as a computer operator.
Specific answer #2:
Occasionally, but never a head injury. The worst incident involved a nail gun and my left thigh. Ouch. The boxers were kevlar reinforced & OSHA approved.
If you're brave enough to add this gem to your FavLinks you'll be among the elite.

2008-03-04 // 16:52:31

nothing funny at all about you in workman's helmet with bandana gracefully draped around the neck. oh, and the shades. as g. said - priceless.

i took some self portraits in a bandana like that at the weekend. they will never see the light of scanner. i hope!


Those were my best Elvis shades at the time.
You forgot to mention the designer t-shirt and checked boxer shorts.

2008-03-04 // 12:14:55


What's so funny!?
: {

2008-03-03 // 14:07:21

Love it.

CONTEXT please. Tell me you were the fourth "Way Down South New York" Beastie Boy. Tell me that.

Still 100% voting ratio. Give or take.


Actually, I was the fifth.
The other guy just wasn't cool 'nuff to hang.
So we hung him.
By his toes.

2008-03-03 // 01:24:48
btz, 100% voting ratio for now!
haha ;-)


Whoo Hoo.
I'm a wiener!

2008-03-03 // 01:23:10
I'm not really sure about when to use this word, but I think this is the right context. I hope.
sounds good.
looks good.
reads good.



Thank You Mr. C. I was posting this as your words of passion were being displayed in the news. I debated for a while about re-posting old images I'd since deleted. In the end the passion won out.

I'll be making a special visit to the post office tomorrow, and will also be making at least one special Polaroid picture as well.

I'll be thinking of friends while I do both.

Friends near and far, old and new.