2008-03-15 // 14:08:55

And when I read g. talk about "having a clue" I am doubly excited. Utterly in the dark. But excited.

What appeals to me especially is that when I am making a picture of somebody in Europe — say Joanna or Gerald — it will be a photograph of a polanoid person, by a polanoid person, using a camera sewn together by a third polanoid member from the desecrated corpses of lots of other cameras.

I like that, despite the unholy Victor Frankenstein grave-robbing aspect.

2008-03-13 // 23:40:30
you are amazing
it's an icon

An Icon?
Zvevi, I'm quite flattered.
I may be blushing too.
It's not quite as drastic as it appears.
At least not yet.

2008-03-13 // 23:04:43
ah ah ah! stefans told me... I think I have a clue... hehe.. keep me updated :-)
(btw, square arrived. waiting for sun to enlighten a bit..)

He who tells secrets may not reap rewards.
Oh, but it's really no secret. Just having some fun with tools. And camera parts.

I'll send the sun your way when I've finished this comment reply. It should arrive in a few short hours.

2008-03-13 // 21:48:42

Ah! Fantastic. I am tingling with excitement.

I am also tingling because sparks are landing on my forearms.

Tingling you say.
Are your ears ringing?
Are you wearing protection?
Notice that I'm wearing long sleeves.
But no gloves.

2008-03-13 // 19:34:55
she sounds like a very wise lady ;)
Well, she did marry me!
Not that that's got much to do with wisdom.

2008-03-13 // 19:16:17
purists always seem to be ill-equipped. thats why i love em'!

Hey! That's what my wife said.

2008-03-13 // 19:02:27
i love this pic, i can feel the sparks! i also love inside jokes, but it helps to be on the inside of the joke... ;)


Ah, I thank you much Lord Patrick for you kind words.
I felt the sparks too. I still feel the one that fused itself to my cheek. Being a purist I refuse to wear full facial protection. As a lowly serf I can't afford it anyway.
Step into my profile to find the path leading you to 'inside' information. It's really not terribly exciting. Just inside. Barely a joke.