2010-01-16 // 22:27:30
I agree. Although I guess I would rather shoot than not. I have shot my fairs share of shitty products. P.O.S we used to call them. Piece of Sh*t. :)

The money is to good in that arena. It does however let you buy $100 boxes of film.

When I was starting the guys who I worked for were like factory workers. They did it as a trade more or less. They never shot outside of work and really could care less. I swore that i would never become that. So far have not. I love it to much. But I have learned a skill in the mean while. It would easily be carpentry or plumbing. Thats when it was more complicated.

Love that polaroid on your page by the way. The self portrait.

2010-01-16 // 19:12:38
Thats the kind of work i did for almost 15 years. Its work. When I got into photography I was just doing and not looking. I learned many things that most younger people will never have a chance to learn unless they seek it out. It was regular everyday practice. Sort of wax on wax off mentality. Training for the rest of your life.

I would shoot a burger. I just wouldn't eat there burger. :)

I'm speaking for my photographers- they do it as it pays. They like schmoozing, the lifestyle that goes with it. But all of them started up because they thought they would take something different that would strike a chord. I always think that unless you are taking pictures of things you believe in, you might as well have a regular paid job... my opinion of course. Our still lifer could shoot in his sleep, it's just mechanical now. He might as well work in a factory, it just doesn't pay £4000 a day.

2010-01-16 // 18:57:38
Thanks. I have done many years if souless work. Thats why I do this. It makes me happy and its fun. I know what you mean and have been there. Sometimes am still there.


I don't mean to be offensive- but taking pictures of mcdonald's big tasty burgers is soulless and pretty unenjoyable i would have thought. Each to their own. I can't imagine anyone decides to become a photographer because of the soulless jobs, most start with other ideas that get lost along the way...

2010-01-14 // 00:58:05
Can you find this photographer some work.
If I could find myself some! though in reality it's pretty horrid work- you wouldn't want to do it...souless!

2010-01-13 // 11:29:10
from the amount of pictures you post on this website, seems like you're doing pretty good on the creative side ;)
haha, yeah i guess. And these are only the ones I can be bothered to enter all the information for! I end up putting more on flickr as its easier to upload.. i think it gets to me working in an office...

2010-01-12 // 23:09:32
No it's fine cos i don't take my personal work too seriously + i wouldn't want to shoot those assignments anyway. Most of it is bullshit, don't you think?
oh yeah advertising is terrible! i just get frustrated at not doing anything creative day to day...

2010-01-12 // 13:09:47
ah ah! we have the same life. i'm an agent too...
Oh really? isn't it horribly upsetting getting other people jobs!?

2010-01-12 // 10:30:24
nice hat
It's emma's but i bought it for her for xmas...now i'm commandeering it! My office was so cold...today though i am in bed with food poisoning...yuck.