2007-04-16 // 09:23:33
Hi again! I guesss it's both the colour and the form. They have always had a curious sensual appearance for me, and the flesh is just wonderful if you get them fresh and ripe. As objects they seem to exude both masculin and feminin qualities that are related to shape and surface textures. Enough said apart from pointing out the lovely contrast between the reds and background green.

2007-04-15 // 10:07:23
Very sensual and strangely physical. Like it. V.
Is it the colour?! Heh. Thanks very much for the vote! (:

2007-03-20 // 08:30:10
somehow, this is really, really nice. don't eat enough lychee, i know, but i resolve to do better.
So, how many lychees have you had recently? One? Two? NONE AT ALL!!?!

And thaaanks a lot!

2007-03-09 // 13:22:18
Tasty lychees..Awesome still life.
Tasty indeed!! (Mmmmyum!) Thanks a lot!

2007-03-05 // 12:10:17
beautiful colors beautifuly done!

Thank you! (: