Past Project (2009-05-03 till 2009-05-22)
Numero due of the (soontobe) famous pola-retro series that you all (or at least two girls I know (I admit that one of them is my humble self)) have waited for so long! Try to compose a genre by shooting a self-(or someone else's)-portrait, mimicking the particular era with your hairdo, clothing, glasses, accessories... Feel free to consult movies (Swinging in da rain, Some like it Not, Ben Hur,..) or google for era-specific information and inspiration. Attenzione - this is not about uploading your motha's divorce party pictures! Submissions have to be new pix and your own work, done exclusively for this project - othawise it would be half the fun. "Walk down the lane, with a happy refrain - Boop-boop-a-doop!"
Winning Picture:
"14 juin 1950" by louelise
 Herman's submissions 
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Herman (Delden, NL)Member since (2006-05-31) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,156/13,685) News Posts (0) Uploads (78)