Past Project (2008-08-21 till 2008-08-28)
Once again too short on time and ideas, lazy webbo borrows the words of one of our members (esteemed signor S.OMBRE in this special case) to announce the new project: "self portrait as soon as you wake up." Show us the unadorned, unvarnished, unflattering truth about your early morning appearance. Put the loaded camera under your pillow and take a self-shot (or ask the person who dares to sleep next to you) as soon as you woke up in the morning. (Submissions taken later than 8 minutes (maximum) after entering awake state will be mercilessly rejected!)
Winning Picture:
"fusion" by superficielle
 phOtOny-teXas' submissions 
(0 results    »show all submissions)
SHOT not shot by phOtOny-teXas      2 / 0
phOtOny-teXas (Houston, US)Member since (2007-09-25) Awards (3) Visitors/PixViews (4,517/85,059) News Posts (2) Uploads (259)