Past Project (2010-06-13 till 2010-10-13)
As we recently learned, peeling the layers of integral film after (or during - wohoo!) development is one of the possible countermeasures to fight the evil killer-christl on PX600 film. But as we know since ages, integral peeling can do mucho much more for you! Separating the layers offers all kinds of possibilities - not only to demonstrate your motha-in-law that there's really a negative inside an instant integral picture, but also offers endless possibilities to interact with your newborn masterpiece.. it is the starting point for fun like colorama, integral lift and 27 more well-known techniques.. as well as 38 new ones that we want to learn from you in the course of this project! So get out your stanley-knife and show us your skills in disintegrating integral film.
Winning Picture:
"hiding behind umbrellas" by LUDWIG
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