Past Project (2011-11-25 till 2012-12-25)
Tis' the season of memory making and lots of 'punsch' drinking. As the nights get longer and the temperatures drop, we'd like to see the special moments that you manage to capture this holiday season! If you have old family photographs from past Christmases, they could bring you some cheer, but other wise, we only want to see your holiday photos from THIS wonderful year! Pine trees, Snowmen, Saint Nicolas, rosy cheeks, Donner and Blitzen, Your Grandmas Roast beef, The moment before almost getting run over by that skier cos' you were looking through your viewfinder, your friends tongue stuck to that frozen metal bar cos' he insisted it wouldn't work, the first snowfall of the year, silent nights, holy nights, etc!
Winning Picture:
"Buone Feste 2004" by marianna
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