Past Project (2010-10-13 till 2010-11-18)
Slip into the guise of a well-known celebrity or public figure from any era - past or present – be it one that you admire or one that you hate from the very depths of your being. First find a picture of the person you have selected and then imitate their dress sense, hairstyle, facial expression or pose. You don't need to copy the picture you have found precisely. You should capture its look and character, feeling free to take terrible liberties by adding, subtracting or altering any elements you wish. When you upload, include a link to the picture that inspired you. In addition to picture quality, extra points will also be awarded for entertainment factor as well as degree of self-aggrandisation (or self-debasement), glamour (or total lack of glamour) and originality. (Note: Fictional persons, semi-human things, cartoon characters, cereal packet creatures, muppets and the like are not expressly excluded. If you prefer to use a model and dress them up instead, then you may - but I might not laugh as much.) Project idea and instruction lyrics by our esteemed fraulein EZS
Winning Picture:
"Pola & Roid" by BastianK
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