Please note that submissions that don't meet these requirements will be removed without the blink of an eye and the submitter will be laughed at sneeringly.
Feel free to have a look at the eggsamples below, that WM generously created to inspire the uninspired and thick-witted (..and to demonstrate the mandatory parts in the description of your submission..)
Fig 1.
Eggsample 1, a quite obvious approach - continue letters from the first pic.
Tips: try to find a similar font, letter-spacing and try to also continue/complete otha aspects/objects from the source pic (please note my ingenious shift in perspective on the shadows of the letters and the anatomically correct position of doc's left hand)
Correct text in description:
left shot by
doc (
Fig 2.
Eggsample 2, a rather lame example of how to continue/complete the first pic.
of course you should be more fanciful and original than this example with your submissions, of course it's not really witty to shoot dumbo on the second pic, if his ear is already visible on the first pic... fact this is just to show you once more how to credit correctly in your description..
Correct text in description:
left shot by
doc (
Fig 3a.
A far more interesting example, cause it demonstrates that - even if the connection between the two pix is mainly "thematically" (the donkey featured on the first pic (in pic), presenting a pic (in pic) of the woman who presents him on the first pic),
-there still must be an object continued/completed on the second pic.
(please note how the waves ripple in eggzactly the same position on the second pic as they do in the first)
Fig 3b.
Just to demonstrate that also vertical dyptichs are ok.
Again: please note that without the wristwatch on the second pic, the submission would be invalid.
(..cause not too many folx remember the old humanic logo..)
Fig 4.
Again a rather un-original, less witty example, cause it simply shows what really was going on where the left image area ended in the original pic.
(but I just had so much fun drawing it)
Fig 5.
To demonstrate that also triptychs are ok, if the "source pic" justifies it.
Please note that - even you may arrange/stack the pics however you like - the frames of the pix must stay intact..
(one pic can cover the frame of the otha pic, but the result has to resemble a physical arrangement of "real, physical polaroids" - no "seamless" photoshop arrangements please..)
..I'm sure you got the idea by now..
..much luck and good fun once more..