louobedlam (Los Feliz, CA, US)

he's basically the ring leader.

KimvanGroos (Glendale, CA, US)

you'll think she's kewl too.

abductos (Berkeley, CA, US)

my norcal penpal. :)

revivify (Portland, OR, US)

highly creative mind.

drewbaker (Los Angeles, US)

a visionary.

cowe (Los Angeles, US)

takes awesome night shots and has a girlfriend who can bake a mean [professional looking] cake.

rutabegabunny (Los Angeles, US)

she's traveled everywhere and has the awesome photos to prove it.

keico (Tokyo, JP)

simply charming.

tubes (Minneapolis, US)

he is the polaroid macro master.

shellygrrl (Maine, US)

fellow polaroid fiend. :)