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Member: lizgresey
Located: ChicagoUS
Age: 42
Birthday: Nov 23.

Likes: lake michigan, cold beverages, the smashing pumpkins, broomsticks, alternate modes of transportation, hoodie rides, slow jams, curious people

About Me:
A visual artist pursuing hope, truth, passion, and peace. Lover of reason, sometimes unreasonable. Born and raised in the midwest, Gresey currently lives and works in Chicago. Having been interested in art since a young age, she won several coloring contests at local grocery stores. With the confidence of knowing she could color the best Easter egg, a relentless pursuit began to find any opportunity to show her work. She has recently completed her BFA at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In addition to photography, Gresey has also worked with ceramics, screenprinting, oil painting and other mixed medias. She would like to ride her bike from Chicago to the Mississippi River and back in the fall and you should come with her. Check her out on the interwebular tangle at

Nice URL's:
egg sandwiches
my friend's awesome site!

12 (Entries)
lizgresey (Chicago, US)Member since (2007-04-05) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (4,512/27,278) News Posts (12) Uploads (65)