
They did it again.

I received my box of IMPOSSIBLE 8x10 film a few hours ago. I let it cool down for a while since it had been riding around in a rolling brown oven most of the day. It did get here in less than 48 hours though. From HQ. Very nice.

I've got one box of this to "test", and although I do have 3 specific portrait sessions in mind the first isn't until Friday & I couldn't wait. I was my only choice for a subject. The inspiration for this came from a TIP discussion over on Flickr - You + Your Camera - »link
I had all but two of the cameras on the list so I thought I'd make one shot that covered all I have.

The photo itself I'm not especially impressed with, but that's me. The film is beautiful. Not bad at all for lot: 001.

I promise a more interesting subject next time.

Some technical details down below.

Shotdate | -location:
2012 June 13 | Roswell GA (US)

Korona Home Portrait
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The camera used for this was made by the Gundlach - Manhattan Optical Co. - the Korona Home Portrait model. Thanks g..

The lens is a Turner & Reich Triple Convertible - in this instance 12".

The film speed was listed as 1000/1250 on the box but knowing my lens I rated it at 800. I shot the picture at f22.5 for 1/10". Just a couple of strobes for some quick light. Nothing fancy.

I processed it & left in the dark for about 10 minutes then waited another hour before I scanned it. I was a little worried that the scanner light might effect it. Didn't seem to.

It's a little too big to completely fit on the scanner bed so I split the difference & then cropped a little after that. The border, which is part of the clear positive, is silver and doesn't scan well.

It is rather messy but I'm very impressed.

Well done Impossible team.



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Uploaded: June 14, 2012
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