The Siren's Boudoir
(Or Through the Looking Glass II)

I didn't destroy the original picture. (I wouldn't have dared.) I sneaked back into the same bedroom, took another in the same place and conducted kindergarten-style experiments on that instead. I'm not much good with a paint brush, so this was the best I could do. As you can see, I ripped the frame. I'm as clumsy as they come.

A fishtail is a pretty thing, of course, but I soon discovered that I much prefer legs. You can smash a lot of precious ornaments with a tail like this, just diving for the phone. And it's so difficult resisting the continuous temptation to slap yourself onto a little rice patty and smother yourself in wasabi and soy sauce. Impossible to get into your stilettoes, too.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Apr. 03 | Muenchen (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | 779 (expired)
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Uploaded: Oct. 30, 2006
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