A43 #1
The Pola-swap challenge has inspired me to try to mimic the style of all you sexy image snappers out there. While I've only one model, she's the most adorable in the world to me. She came home from work (buyer/manager for a pair of high end boutiques) tonight, dressed in this amazing getup (I take full credit for the amazing Italalian jacket I purchased for her). I couldn't resist pulling out the Big Shot and capturing the moment.

The great part is she's just sitting on the bed, watching my son, Justice, jump up and down. The setting isn't really sexy at all, but she, on the other hand, in my eyes. . .

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Dec. 05 | Healdsburg (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Big Shot | 669
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Big Shot camera doesn't allow for much choice, in terms of framing/focus. You get one focal length, and that's about it. Don't want to use a flash? Too bad!

Had a real tough time scanning these shots. Colors came out really funny.
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Uploaded: Dec. 06, 2006
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