SLEEP I - Sleep Spindle

Sleep spindles are one of several measures employed by the brain to keep a sleeper in an unconscious state. This pattern is produced during sleep to inhibit the processing of unnecessary information, which would especially interrupt stage 2 sleep. This is why they are most prominent in this period (although stages 3 and 4 produce them in reduced quantities) - during other states subjects are more difficult to awaken (with the exception of the transitory stage 1)

(Stage 2 - the person is unconscious, though awakened easily. No eye movements occur, and dreaming is very rare during this stage. EEG recordings tend to show characteristic "sleep spindles" and "K-complexes" during this stage.)


Model: Kemi
(she is half African, I painted her face white)


Model: Kemi

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Mar. 31 | Wien (AT)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha1 | SX-70 (expired)
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Part of Projects:
Trick the camera..
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Uploaded: Mar. 15, 2006
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