Infinite Art II

-The Opening-

Have a seat my friends.

Some wine?

This is the opening of Infinite Art II.
(a.k.a. - Infinity Squared 2, or Infinity Squared Again)

It is the continuation of »link .
(Follow the links and tags to learn the full story.)

This scene includes a Polaroid (several actually, although only one is prominently featured - look closely for the others) that I received from Stefan in my letterbox just minutes ago. The stage was set, the camera was loaded with Blend and the wine was open. I knew my gift from Stefan would arrive today so I was ready. I heard the squeak of the mail truck and dashed down to the box. Bills, advertisements, magazines, junk; and then - joy. A lovely portfolio of art in a little brown envelope. I carefully opened this treasure, read the accompanying letter while viewing the photos, and tried to decide which one to place in *the frame*.

I chose "In the Land of the Bohemians".
Here's the description that Stefan wrote...

"In the Land of the Bohemians."
'SX-70 Sonar Black. Time Zero. I am not crazy about this picture, it was the first I took. I am finding that if I go in closer and focus on smaller details I am able to let the film "show off" a lot more. Its peerless qualities become clearer. But this is the whole scene. Everyone was fantastic. We broke for lunch right after and got to know each other.

Neighbors must think I'm pretty odd.'

Well Stefan, I do hope you forgive me for using the one you're 'not crazy about'. I love it. I cherish this photo as well as the others. It's perfect - I'm looking at it right now. Yes, I can type without looking at the keyboard.

Details . . .

The art-
"In the Land of the Bohemians" - Within this little frame, tucked into the waistband of Don Quixote, is this... »link A wonderful connection to the first Square.

The wine-
Jacob's Creek (Reserve), Shiraz, vintage 2004, S. Australia.

The frame-
From a show I once participated in. Hand-made (by me) from oak, it's exactly 10x the size of a genuine Time-Zero frame.

The Polaroids on the table-
All from Stefan.
"The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha, and Schlexi-Rocinante, His Loyal Beast" It's a triptych, and yes, there's a Schlexi in there.
"Tony. Parade Route."
"Two Ladies. Prince Street."
"Kevin at the Shrine."

The flowers-
Fake. I wish I'd moved them to the right six inches (15 cm).

The chair & table-

The room-
Our parlour.

Forgive the long description my friends, but this one's important to me. Tomorrow it goes into an envelope addressed to g.. After that... well, that's up to Gerald.

Shotdate | -location:
2008 Feb. 27 | Roswell GA (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha 1 Mod.2 | SX-70 Blend
Related tags:
Part of Projects:

Make friends.
Drink wine.
Take Polaroid pictures.
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Feb. 27, 2008
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