20k Tavern Friends
My friends playing at a local watering hole.
Hay man...I'm with the band...that netted me a few free beers out of the deal.
( from folder )

Historially Instant Films

Yes...Ladies and Gentleman there was a 20,000 ISO/ASA Black and White High Contrast Polariod specialty film for the consumer market (the fastest instant film ever made).
It's use was mainly for oscilloscope photography. Polariod also made a 10,000 ASA in roll film format, an infared film and slide film all black and white.

Background On This Series

These are the only surviving images that are left in the vault (folder and old cardboard shoe box). The images in the folder held up pretty fair, but the shoebox ones not as well.
You see they're the type of prints that required protective coating supplied with each film pack ( found a baggie with some good goo coaters in another box )and I never did that because it was such a hassle.

-Aging Of The Prints-

With shoebox storage and the non coating of the images, they deteriorated from left over chemicals from the pods and pollutants in the air, over the span of time.
As they faded, the light and medium tones turned to a sepia which changed the surface reflection ( mostly blues,reds...very beautiful ) on the prints.


I let the scanner light freely play across the surface and it created a random pattern of spectrical interplay.

Shotdate | -location:
1981 | Carson City,NV (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
440 | 612
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I think the camera setting was 3000ASA/indoor/trim dial full dark with a rough focus at about 10ft...maybe! I shouldn't have had those beers before I started.
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Uploaded: Nov. 17, 2010
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