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Member: futurowoman
Located: DentonUS
Age: 54
Birthday: Dec 30.

Likes: music, books, photography, cinema, coffee, animals, travel, history, cuisine, vintage cameras

About Me:
experimental photographer
world citizen

With my photographs, I aim to capture beauty that often goes unnoticed in the world, and am particularly fond of using toy and vintage cameras as a way to impart a sense of wonder and historical perspective to my subjects. Polaroids are perfect tools for understanding the magic of photography--light captured on paper, ephmeral and permanent at the same time, contradictory as that may seem. I hope you will enjoy my polaroids! Thank you for visiting :)

Nice URL's:
my polaroid prints for sale
futurowoman's flickr

10 (Entries)
futurowoman (Denton, US)Member since (2006-08-17) Awards (5) Visitors/PixViews (7,871/216,678) News Posts (10) Uploads (786)